Will the Metal Domes of the membrane switch keyboard wear and tear?
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Will the Metal Domes of the membrane switch keyboard wear and tear?

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-10-19      Origin: Site


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Will the Metal Domes of the membrane switch wear and tear?

The combination of the membrane switch and the metal dome is a combination that meets the customer's requirements and meets the settings. 

If the membrane switch needs to be pressed, it needs to be loaded with metal domes. If you need a touch, you also need metal shrapnel. Their combination can reach the customer. The required button feel and the strength of the feel can also be adjusted according to the size of the metal shrapnel. Will the metal domes of the membrane switch combination wear out?

Membrane switches are often used in daily work, so the buttons of the membrane switch will wear out for a long time. The wear that occurs is the bubbling wear of the keypad, and the metal shrapnel will not wear out. If there is a problem with the metal domes, the domes will break. Long-term heavy pressure will cause the rupture and damage of the metal domes.

To prevent the domes from breaking, it is necessary for the operator to lightly press the button domes during work, and the hands are clean and tidy. 

This is very effective, maintaining the life of the membrane switch, and extending the life of the button metals and keyboard.

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